Thursday, October 27, 2016

PetaPixel: Photographer Captures Colorful Close-Ups of a Fiery-Throated Hummingbird


Photographer Jess Findlay was shooting in the mountains of Costa Rica when he came upon several beautiful fiery-throated hummingbirds. His photos captured the dazzling colors of the bird’s plumage.

“Several of these beautiful hummingbirds were visiting a nectar feeder at about 2700m elevation in the Talamanca Mountains of Costa Rica,” Findlay says. “As they fed hungrily, often quarrelling with one another, occasionally one would get displaced onto a nearby branch.”


“I waited by the branch for a couple of hours, staying very still,” Findlay continues. “I used a telephoto lens with an extension tube that allowed me to focus on close subjects.”

“What made this a challenge was how fidgety these birds can be and the fact that the full spectrum of colour is only seen when they pause at a very specific angle.”


You can find more of Findlay’s work on his website and Instagram.

(via Colossal)

Image credits: Photographs by Jess Findlay and used with permission

from PetaPixel


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