Saturday, March 7, 2020 My Personal Best: French Street Photographer Gérard Dubois

Born in 1951 in Toulon, France, I am a retired teacher (did part of my career abroad: USA, Colombia, Uruguay). I practice photography since my teen years (I started with a Russian Zenith camera and a 50 mm lens) but I am really in it since I retired 10 years ago.

I am not sure to be a real and serious photographer (I am a poor technician) but I could define me like a “street image maker”, trying to look the world around me with curiosity, tenderness and a bit of humor: I love characters you can find in the streets and interactions between people.

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

I am feeding me with photography: books, exhibitions, papers…and need to make some clicks every day ( if, for some reason, I can’t go out in the streets or beaches-i live in the french Mediterranean cost-i bother the cats, the turtles or my family members). Since 2017 I am part of a photographers group based in Switzerland whose purpose is to post a pic every day, like a daily challenge. So, you’ll find this group here:

I started to use a Nikon D600 and a Fuji X100 S and I am no using a Leica Q and a Ricoh GRIII who are in my opinion the perfect tools for street photography cause they are tiny, discrete and silent cameras who permit to be close of the subjects and I love that.

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

My Personal Best: Street Photographer Gerard Dubois

You can find Gérard Dubois on the Web:

All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Gérard Dubois. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.



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