Saturday, November 14, 2020

Mark Raymond Mason: Daily Photo Tip

Old cameras can lend a certain charm to photography. Photographs from old cameras are not as perfect as those from newer machines; with practice, a photographer can learn to use this to their artistic advantage. (First published Jul 18, 2008) from Daily Photo Tips via IFT... DPReview TV: Battle of the 70-200mm F2.8 zooms (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic)

via Articles: Digital Photography Review (

PictureCorrect: DSLR Photo Tip: What The Heck Is Back Button Focus?

Today’s DSLR photo tip continues with our series of tips covering functions on your camera that you’re most likely not using. Let’s talk about back button focusing. Normally, to focus on a subject, we pick the focal point we want, then depress the shutter button halfway. This sets the auto focus (and the exposure, if you aren’t using manual mode). Then we recompose the shot so that the focal point is where we want it in the frame and depress the...

PictureCorrect: Interesting Photo of the Day: Light-Painted Forest Octopus

The best thing about light painting is creative freedom. While we treat lack of light as a challenge in most genres of photography, that is totally not the case with light painting. Using your own source of light as a paintbrush, you gain the ability to paint whatever’s in your mind. You control what appears in the final image and are limited only by your own creativity. Take the following image by photographer Nikolay. The level of creativity is... Adobe apps not officially supported on Apple's M1 chips using Rosetta 2, but native versions are coming

via Articles: Digital Photography Review (

PictureCorrect: Behind the Scenes of an Underwater & Astro Photoshoot

The world beneath the water’s surface is so amazing that you can rarely go wrong when capturing photos of it. Similarly, astrophotography is another genre that is not suited for everyone. However, in this genre of photography too, there’s a great potential to end up capturing images that are simply—and literally—out of this world. Let’s join photographer Pierre T. Lambert as he has his hands on with both of these fabulous genres of photography: Lambert...

PetaPixel: Photographer Calls Parabolic Softboxes a ‘Load of Marketing Bulls**t’

Photographer and educator Karl Taylor believes that parabolic softboxes are nothing more than marketing and that any conventional softbox can achieve the same results. In this 10.5-minute video, he proves it. “It never ceases to amaze me how certain products are created purely for marketing reasons,” Taylor says. “When in fact they have no physical or practical advantage whatsoever over existing products.” He says that parabolic softboxes are...

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