As a Portrait Photographer, would you ever forget what a pair of powerful eyes can do to your picture. Or ever in a doubt about what constitures more towards the ebauty of a portrait take a look at the works of Cristina Hoch. One of the wonderful Portrait Photographers I have come across in recent times, there is a peculiar mystery and excitement when I pay close attention to these portraits here.
Cristina is a Biology student who loves doing photography, her pictures are a mix of art and mystery having ample ideas of light and composition. Those ultimate glint in the eyes tell us numerous stories. Take a close look at her work and get inspired.
Can you please introduce yourself?
Hi! I’m Cristina Hoch and I’m from southern Spain. I’m studying biology and I’m 22 years old.
How did photography happen to you?
It was by chance I guess. I just started playing with a compact camera that I found in my house.
What is the secret to capture a great fine art portrait?
I think that dedication makes the difference; you have to work hard before, during and after the shoot.
How important is post production in your workflow?
It’s very important in my photos. Indeed, I think they change a lot. With post production, you can remake photographs and give them a new meaning, expressing feelings with tones, brightness or sharpness.
What do you want your viewers to take away from your work?
I want them to feel my love for nature and beauty.
Apart from Photography, tell us your hobbies and interests?
Biology is my biggest passion and what I’m studying for. I do love taking and processing photographs. I have other hobbies like listening to music, hiking, playing video games and watching films!
Your favorite photographers?
I love the work of Nirrimi Firebrace, Fanny Latour Lambert, Alison Scarpulla, Melania Brescia and so many more!
Your favorite photography quote?
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” – Aaron Siskind
Your Gear?
I use a Nikon D3000 with a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 and a Nikkor 18-55mm. I usually take photos with my phone too!
Any tips for aspiring photographers out there?
It can always be a good moment to have a perfect portrait, with the perfect gust of wind, the perfect ray of light or the perfect moss in the land so carry your camera with you.
You can find Cristina Hoch on the Web :
All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Cristina Hoch. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.
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