Wednesday, August 24, 2016

PetaPixel: Jasmine Star Accused of Plagiarism Yet Again


Wedding photographer Jasmine Star is probably still recovering from the first slew of plagiarism accusations leveled against her in 2013; however, it seems the saga is entering Episode II. The folks at Stop Stealing Photos are accusing Jasmine of another transgression.

The story today is unfortunately similar to the one posted three years ago. Back then, the accusations against Star—which she posted a public apology about—surrounded blog posts and inspirational quotes that were lifted without credit; this time the alleged plagiarism was found in an “Inspiration is for Amateurs” blog post that bears some striking similarities to a quote from Chuck Close.

Here’s a PDF created by Stop Stealing Photos that puts the two side-by-side, highlighting the phrase that appear in both:


Unlike last time when the evidence was damming and the response swift and ruthless from the photo community, Star is finding that some people are actually on her side this time around.

“To play devil’s advocate for a minute that’s hardly damning. Phrases like ‘show up and do the work’, ‘don’t wait for lightning to strike’, and ‘inspiration is for amateurs’ are hardly unique,” writes one Redditor.

“Guys this is a hair on the witch hunt side no? If she blatantly copy and pasted it with no credit tag sure but I mean shit some of these quotes people are grabbing I’ve heard millions of times,” asks another.

Of course, others have been significantly harsher, but even those in the middle ground make a good point: given Star’s history with plagiarism, it probably behooves her to be overly cautious than others, attributing inspiration as well as direct quotes.

We’ve reached out to Ms. Star for comment, and will update this post if and when we hear back.

(via Stop Stealing Photos via DIY Photography)

from PetaPixel


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