Wednesday, September 14, 2016

PetaPixel: Fuji X-T2 Sharper than Canon 5DS R in Preliminary Side-by-Side Comparison


Fuji might have a mirrorless monster on its hands with the X-T2. In fact, in some preliminary side-by-side comparison shots, Tony and Chelsea Northrup actually find that the X-T2 is producing sharper results than the 50MP Canon 5DS R!

Northrup has been out testing the Fuji X-T2 for the past couple of days, and so far the camera is impressing him in a big way. In a tweet posted last night, he writes:

That, alongside these two side-by-side comparison shots:



When we got in touch with Tony about these photos, he was happy to share them with the PetaPixel readers… with one caveat:

“This was the first of several side-by-side image quality tests, and Chelsea & I won’t feel 100% comfortable with the results until we complete the tests and publish the full review on YouTube,” he tells us. “There are many factors that influence sharpness besides the camera and lens, including the shutter speed and heavy backlighting (which the Canon lens doesn’t handle well).”

That said, he did point out that the 5DS R shot is definitely in focus, and there was no subject movement or camera shake. “Chelsea & I each took dozens of shots with different settings and subjects,” he told us, “and this shows the best results for each.”

That caveat mentioned, Tony was comfortable calling the X-T2 “a breakthrough camera.” Speaking of eye detection, he said he was hitting focus “about 65% of the time” without having to change the focus points with the thumbstick. “It’s not perfect, but the focusing hit rate was actually better than the [Canon 5DS R and Nikon D7200] DSLRs.”


It’s an unofficial comparison, but the results are surprising by any standard. Keep an eye out for Tony and Chelsea’s full review on YouTube.

(via Twitter via Fuji Rumors)

Image credits: Photos and screenshots by Tony Northrup and used with permission.

from PetaPixel


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