Monday, September 19, 2016

PictureCorrect: Interesting Photo of the Day: The Power of Point of View in Photography

In photography, we often try to capture a scene with a unique perspective to either show the world how we see it or just to show them a perspective that they’ve never considered before. This difference in point of view can make a huge impact on an image. Take, for example, the image below. The building looks like it was built at an angle, but after a moment of contemplation, it’s obvious that the photo is simply taken parallel with the slanted street:

point of view photography

The power of point-of-view in photography (imgur)

The camera, in fact, has only been rotated 16 degrees to line up with the road. But this 16 degrees makes a huge difference. This goes to show the power of perspective and how such a slight change in point of view can dramatically change the viewer’s perception of the image.

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