Thursday, January 12, 2017

PictureCorrect: Interesting Photo of the Day: Otherworldly Dubai Skyline Shrouded in Fog

Fog has the ability to create a mysterious, otherworldly effect in photography when captured at just the right moment. In this remarkable photo captured by Sebastian Opitz of Dubai at night, the city’s skyline—looking like it might have come out of Star Wars due to its futuristic architecture—has an added element of drama with a thick blanket of fog suspended high among the skyscrapers, which cast a glow of red and blue reflected lights:

Dubai skyline at night in fog

Dubai at night, covered in fog (click for full resolution photo via imgur).

Near the center of the photo, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper (the tallest building in the world at 829.8 meters or 2,722 feet), towers over the other buildings and and appears to send a beam of light shooting into the night sky.

Obviously taken from a high vintage point, the photo depicts a sort of atmospheric landscape,with the fog forming an almost snow-like ground and extending as far as the eye can see to delineate a soft horizon line in the distance.

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