Saturday, January 7, 2017

PictureCorrect: Interesting Photo of the Day: Arctic Fox Stare Down

Wildlife photography interests many people because animals act naturally in their habitats, unlike their counterparts in zoos. For example, a lion at a zoo can be seen pacing nonstop, often to the bemusement of visitors watching nearby. That doesn’t make such an interesting photo! In the wild however, photographers carefully plan their approach and wait until key moments happen such as hunting, eating, fighting and playing amongst the lions. The important aspect is capturing these images in their natural setting and finding an appealing way to do so. In this case, a chance encounter with an arctic fox stops it in its tracks as it poses for a photo:

wildlife photography foreground exposure

“Arctic Fox” by Kevin Rawlings (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

Photographer Kevin Rawlings captured this stunning image of an arctic fox having a stare down with him while he approached to get a better picture. The detail shows as you zoom in and notice each individual hair poking out from the fox’s body. Just look at those eyes, too! The clean background pushes the attention to the front where the fox calmly sits on the ledge. It is a perfect setting for this photograph because the colors complement the fox’s silver-grey coat. Without the clear background, it wouldn’t be as easy to spot this little guy.

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