Saturday, February 25, 2017

PetaPixel: Nikon Speaks Out: Will Focus on Medium to High-End DSLRs and Lenses

Nikon has been conspicuously silent since the Japanese camera giant suddenly cancelled their long-awaited Nikon DL line released a “recognition of extraordinary loss.” But Nikon executives broke their silence yesterday in the Japanese press, revealing, among other things, what’s next for Nikon’s camera business.

Based on the comments sections of our Nikon financial trouble coverage, fans of the brand will be very happy to hear Nikon’s plans moving forward.

According to Nikon Rumors (with some help from Google Translate), the company is taking an “aggressive approach” to their camera business that will focus their resources on medium and high-end DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, and lenses. There are no plans to close any manufacturing plants, and they still want to release a high-end compact ala the Nikon DL line at some point, but the company says they will pare down the number of models they release.

All of this should be met with cheers from the Nikon faithful, who have long held that Nikon needs to focus on their top-quality DSLRs and stop messing around with low-end cameras.

To learn more about Nikon’s plans moving forward, click here to read the original Japanese articles. And if you read Japanese and can reveal anything else pertinent about Nikon’s plans moving forward, please let us know in the comments!

from PetaPixel


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