Wednesday, May 17, 2017

PetaPixel: 49 Film Photography Blogs Worth Following

I’ve collected and shot film cameras for 40 years, but only started blogging about it in the last decade or so. I went looking for other blogging camera collectors and film photographers, hoping to find community among others of like mind. I found several and have been amply rewarded by sharing in their adventures.

In this time of film’s resurgence, perhaps you might enjoy following some of the same film photo bloggers I do. So here’s my master list.

And let’s make this an exchange. If you know of some film-photography or camera-collecting blogs I don’t list, please link to them in the comments!

  1. 35hunter — Dan talks technique and gear, and shares his work.
  2. 52 Rolls — A group blog from photographers who commit to shooting one roll of film a week for a year. Every year the crop of photographers changes.
  3. Alex Luyckx — A dedicated film photographer shares his work.
  4. All My Cameras – Christoph in Germany and his growing collection. In German and in English.
  5. Analog Anecdotes — Film photography, from the photographer’s Minoltas.
  6. Awesome Cameras — Couldn’t tell you who writes this, and the blog doesn’t take comments (note to author: wish you would), but he/she does some nice work
  7. Best in Black and White — The official Ilford blog, with lots of shots on Ilford films from photographers everywhere.
  8. Between light and shadow, a borderline — Roy shares what he’s learned about film photography and shows us his work.
  9. Blatherskite — Moni writes about many things, but mostly about film photography.
  10. Broken Camera.Club — Mostly reviews of mostly obscure gear.
  11. burnt embers — “ehpem” has shot less digital and more film since 2013, and this blog reflects that.
  12. Camera Legend — Sam collects legendary cameras and writes about using them.
  13. Canny Cameras — Gear reviews and photographs. This site explained why the Lomography 110 film I use sometimes leaves light spots on some images. A tip of the hat for that.
  14. Captured by Film — Frequent postings of film images.
  15. Casual Photophile — This site written by James and his crew sets the Internet standard for vintage gear reviews. Excellent writing, excellent images, great cameras. Highly recommended.
  16. Curating Cuteness — Katie shoots film with a small stable of cameras and posts images nearly every day.
  17. Daniel J. Schneider — Daniel posts gear and film reviews, as well as writes about his photographic journey.
  18. Emulsive — A blog that aims to prove that film photography isn’t hard.
  19. Exploratorius — Mitch shoots both film and digital, and teaches post-processing technique.
  20. Film Advance — Gary shares images from his eclectic collection of film cameras.
  21. Filmosaur — A Luddite not opposed to technology, if that makes sense.
  22. Film Photography Blog — A straightforwardly named blog from the Film Shooters Collective.
  23. Film Photography Project — You gotta include the blog of the FPP gang.
  24. Fogdog Blog — John and his Nikons and his Pentaxes and the northern California coast.
  25. For the easily distracted… — Rhianne in the UK shoots film, and lots of it.
  26. I Still Shoot Film – A group blog about all things film.
  27. Jeanne Yang Photography — Lots of 35mm film passes through Jeanne’s cameras.
  28. John’s Cameras — As the title suggests.
  29. Kevin the Photographer — Film photographs, technique, and processing.
  30. Little Black Star – Eric likes expired medium-format film and Polaroid pack film.
  31. Neil Kesterson’s Photo Blog — A lifelong journey in film.
  32. North East Liberties — Michael shares scenes from the region of Northern Ireland his blog is named after. His specialty is printing.
  33. Photobooth Journal — I suppose these are mostly film images, but I know that all of them are from photo booths. Katherine has built a fascinating collection of such photos, old and new.
  34. Photography and Vintage Cameras – Mike does great work with his old cameras, especially in black and white.
  35. Ramblings from the Carrot Room — SilverFox moved from the UK to the US and records his life on film.
  36. Random Camera Blog – Mark shoots frequently with his old cameras and shares the results here.
  37. Photo-Analogue – Nicholas shares photos from his 20 film cameras and discusses tech and technique.
  38. Seeing Wide — Photo walks and street photography, on film.
  39. Shelly Sometimes — Shelly is a photographer and graphic designer who favors film.
  40. Shimmering Grains — Marie’s film images. Based in Sweden but written in English.
  41. Short Stories — Gerald in the UK and his black-and-whites. Often with interesting stories to tell about them, hence the title.
  42. shot on film — New images from old cameras.
  43. Slow Photography — Film photographs from simple vintage cameras.
  44. Straight, No Chaser — Derek fixes up old cameras and makes them sing again.
  45. the6millionpman — Lots of medium format.
  46. The Resurrected Camera — Joe explores and discovers with his old film cameras.
  47. Urban Hafner Photography — Software developer by day, film photographer when he can find a moment.
  48. Utah Film Photography — Vintage gear photographs and reviews.
  49. Zorki Photo — Stephen dispels the myths about film: that it’s too hard and too expensive.

About the author: Jim Grey photographs what interests him, but tries to frame his subjects in a way that interests you. Should that fail, in a last-ditch attempt to keep your attention he writes stories about the subjects, or about memories the subjects stir, or about making the photos themselves.

Jim has collected film cameras since boyhood, but he didn’t make photographs in earnest until after he turned 40. He shares his photos and words on his blog, Down the Road. As midlife crises go, it’s been arguably less expensive than buying sports cars and carrying on with women half his age.

Jim recently published his first book of his film photography, which you can preview here.

from PetaPixel


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