Wednesday, June 7, 2017

PetaPixel: Flickr Reveals Redesigned Profile Page that Lets You Show Off Your Best Work

Remember Flickr? Yes, the Yahoo-owned (or is it Verizon now…) photo-sharing service is still a thing, and today they rolled out a major, long-overdue update to their profile pages. Say hello to the Flickr “About” page.

Flickr’s new About page is all about putting your profile front and center—previously it was hidden away in the menu system—and enabling you to show off your best work with a variety of customizable new features.

Once the page rolls out to you, you’ll notice a new About button to the left of the Photostream. Click on that, and you’re taken to the person’s profile complete with a new bio format, links, statistics, and two new sections: Showcase and Most Popular.

The Showcase section is meant to serve as your “portfolio”—a personal selection of up to 25 photos that you want front and center whenever someone visits your profile. These can be displayed in whatever order you like, you can title the section whatever you’d like, and you can update it as often as you’d like.

In the example above, the Showcase section is titled “Just a Few,” and features Semenov’s favorites, but you can just as easily make it about your latest photo series, a certain style or theme, or whatever else you’d like to Showcase.

Keep scrolling, and you’ll run into the next section: Most Popular. This section is (you guessed it) a place to show off the photos in your Photostream that have been most faved, most commented on, most viewed, or most interesting (as determined by the Flickr engagement algorithm).

It’s up to you how you want this section to be populated, or if you even want it at all. If you’d rather not show off your most popular shots, you can always make this section invisible to all but you.

Finally, the Bio itself has been updated, allowing you to update it right from the profile page, add links to popular social networks like Tumblr, Facebook, and even Instagram, and display testimonials and “photos of you.”

All in all, the update is a welcome addition to what is still one of the most popular photo sharing and storage sites out there. And as Instagram rapidly transforms into a branding exercise and influencer wasteland, photographers might want to give Flickr a fresh look.

The new About page is being rolled out starting today, and will populate for the entire Flickr community by the end of the week.

from PetaPixel


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