Monday, June 26, 2017

PetaPixel: Instagram Tests Favorites: Things Are Going to Get Personal

Things are about to get personal on Instagram. Eagle-eyed users have spotted that Instagram is testing its new ‘Favorites’ feature in response to feedback requesting a more personal experience on the app.

The new feature is just one of many recent rollouts from Instagram, and this one is expected to officially launch in a matter of months. Currently, it’s only available to a select number of lucky users.

Instagram already offers a private account feature, but this is not as restricted as users seem to want. With social pressures and the fear of offending onlookers, users quickly rack up hundreds of followers even on these locked-down pages.

“People [want] Instagram to create smaller audiences, and we’re trying to recognize that,” Instagram product lead Robby Stein tells The Verge.

So what is Favorites? It’s a list of your closest friends, that you are able to edit and change at any time. There is no limit to how many users you can add, but when you share a photo to your Favorites list, only these users will see it.

Such photos will be adorned with a new, flashy green badge. This is the only way people will that they’re on your list – no notifications will be sent as you modify the list based on who is the flavor of the month.

Your profile will also get a new tab at the bottom of the app where all your ‘Favorite’ posts will be collected. If someone isn’t on your list, then this will be empty. If they are, then they’ll have access to all the bonus content of your Instagram profile.

“The best version of Instagram is one where you feel closer to the people you are connected to,” says Stein. “Even if you live all over the world, you feel like you’re with them. That’s something we want to drive as the core focus of the product.”

Image credits: Lead photo by The Verge

from PetaPixel


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