Saturday, June 24, 2017

PetaPixel: This Ad Has Photographers Shaking Their Heads

There’s a new “photographers wanted” ad that’s making the rounds online and causing quite a reaction from photographers. This one was apparently posted by a couple looking for wedding photographers for their upcoming wedding.

The ad was shared by Reddit user KingSpanner in the sub-Reddit ChoosingBeggars, where it quickly racked up thousands of upvotes and hundreds of comments. Here’s the posting (you can click it for a larger version):

“Weddings are expensive! duh right? well photographers for weddings are equally expensive as well! (duh again!) so here is my proposal,” the ad reads. “For any photographer with enough talent to shoot (product, fashion, macro, landscape, portraits) and any other requisite to wedding photography these days to shoot our wedding in exchange for the experience, the photos and the chance to say to your potential next client ‘I’ve shot a wedding before!.'”

If you have a solid understanding of photography, a full-frame camera, and a capable lens, you’re welcome to apply for this… amazing opportunity.

And in exchange for this “time for print” opportunity, you’ll get photos for your profile, the opportunity to find new clients in the wedding attendees, food and gas, the couple’s “eternal gratitude,” and the opportunity to forever be able to say that you’ve shot a wedding.


Here are some of the comments that were posted in response to this ad on Reddit:

“I think I’ll ask a car salesman to give me a free car so he can tell future clients, ‘I’ve sold a car before!,'” writes BrolestBrolin.

“I like how they have enough self-awareness to know that people are going to be pissed off by something like this, but not enough to realize that it’s a stupid and unreasonable thing to be asking for,” says Sulfate.

“300 potential clients? So they invited 600 unmarried people to their wedding?,” quips FreeRangeAlien.

And if the couple is being truthful in the ad, then at least one aspiring wedding photographer has already signed up for one of the 3 spots.

from PetaPixel


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