Thursday, August 2, 2018

Condé Nast Is Struggling Financially. What Does This Mean For Photographers?

Condé Nast owns some of the most prestigious publications in the world, including Vogue, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and Glamour. Having photographs published in one of these magazines is the epoch of many photographers’ careers.

However, The New York Times reports that the company lost $120 million this past year, and has announced plans to put up three of its 14 magazines up for sale — Brides, Golf Digest and W. These are not the only cuts in recent years — the company has also endured extensive layoffs, as well as the shuttering of Details, as well as the print versions of Teen Vogue and Self.

What does it mean for photographers when the publications they might have once aspired to be published in no longer exist? The good news is that it has never been easier to promote work for free on platforms such as Instagram. Moreover, a struggling industry means innovation. Look no further than Vogue’s decision to hire 23-year-old photographer Tyler Mitchell to shoot Beyoncé for the cover of the 2018 September issue for proof that there’s hope for the future.

from PDNedu


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