Wednesday, October 10, 2018

We Can Do Better: How the Photography Industry Needs To Adapt To Provide a More Fair Working Environment For Talented Women

If the #metoo movement has taught us anything, it is that sexual harassment is pervasive in all industries — photography included.

A recent article on PDNPulse by PDN editors David Walker and Holly Stuart Hughes notes that while its empowering to have women share their individual stories of harassment and violence, more needs to be done to change the workplace environment so that women are not put in the position of having to report on colleagues in the first place.

Photographers interviewed for the article, including Melissa Golden and Amanda Mustard, suggest that the photography industry could start by putting in place clear anti-harassment policies, providing safe and confidential environments for reporting harassment, and removing predators from workplace environments.

In doing so, talented women will have to worry less about avoiding predators, and focus more on creating great work.

The post by Walker and Hughes follows a 10,000-word report by Columbia Journalism Review that highlights a pervasive environment of sexual harassment worsened by the myth of the swaggering, hyper macho male photographer. After it was released, Hughes wrote an extensive summary noting that thus far, the photography industry has been resistant to making changes despite increasing reports of incidents of sexual harassment.

PDN has been at the forefront of examining sexism and sexual harassment in the photo industry for many years. Past articles on the subject include “Sexism in the Photo Industry: Can’t We Do Better?,” along with exposés of individual harassers including Patrick Witty, Bill Frakes and Christian Rodriguez.

Here at PDNedu, we’d love to hear from you. What are your suggestions for improving conditions for young women studying photography in school, or considering a career in photography? Feel free to share your thoughts at


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