Monday, December 30, 2019 My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

Debrani Das is a street photographer based out of Kolkata, India. She holds a B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering. Photography not only opens up new avenues to explore but it also helps her to reinstate herself. She loves being on the street and capturing those unseen and magical moments which are unpredictable and candid. Every second consist of thousand unnoticed moments and she believes that through practice one can develop the sense of when to click and what to click. Being on the street and taking candid photographs help her to know the place in a better way.

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

Debrani Das is one of the curators of the Facebook group World Photographic Forum and curator of the Instagram page of #worldphotographicforum. She is a member of StreetEye Collective. She was the guest curator of women in the street facebook group for the thematic contest. Her works have been published in Eyeshot magazine, Chiiz Magazine, National Geographic, etc. Her works were chosen as one of the winners of #womenstreetphotographers and were exhibited in NewYork City and Kuala Lumpur. She was also one of the finalists of the StreetFotoSanfrancisco festival in the single image category.

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

My Personal Best: Indian Street Photographer Debrani Das

You can find Debrani Das on the Web:

All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Debrani Das. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.



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