Thursday, December 26, 2019

PetaPixel: 5 Reasons to Go Out and Capture Your Local Landscapes More Often

Denmark-based landscape photographer Mads Peter Iversen recently put together a tips video for landscape photographers that has nothing to do with technique and everything to do perspective. It’s called: 5 Important Reasons to do Local Landscape Photography.

In the video, Iversen explains how exploring his local landscapes and staying close to home has not only helped him hone his landscape photography and scouting skills, it’s also produced some of his favorite photographs.

“I find it very important to not just focus on travel landscape photography, but also explore the landscapes close to your home,” explains Iversen in the video’s description. “There is usually no reason why you can not take some interesting and beautiful landscape photos in your local forest, meadow, or even swamp. With these five reasons, I hope to inspire you to get out more without having to plan and pack too much. Just go out and have fun with your photography.”

Here are those reasons listed out for those of you who prefer reading to watching:

  1. It’s much easier and cheaper. You’ll save money, time, and energy by exploring your local landscapes instead of jetting off to Iceland.
  2. It’s the best place to “hone your skills,” so that when you do invest in traveling to an exotic location, you’re prepared to get the shot.
  3. You may find that you appreciate the photos you capture near your home more than the ones you shoot in a “trending” landscape photography location.
  4. You have the luxury of time. You can scout indefinitely and optimize your compositions, going back time and again until you know the local landscape more intimately than any visitor ever could.
  5. Staying local will keep you from shooting in an “oversaturated” market (unless you live in Iceland…), and your local images are much more likely to connect with a local audience.

Check out the full video up top to hear all of Iversen’s thoughts on why it’s important to get to know your own backyard and choose to shoot local landscapes as often as possible. As with most of the videos on his YouTube channel, he makes some great points that can only help you improve as a landscape photographer.

(via Reddit)

from PetaPixel


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