Monday, June 8, 2020

PetaPixel: PhotoStatistica Lets You Analyze Your EXIF Data in Bulk

PhotoStatistica is a new Mac app that examines EXIF data from large sets of photos and turns it into interesting statistics and visualizations that reveal how you go about shooting photos.

Created by the UK-based photographer Philip Pegden and his startup Bristol Bay Code Factory, PhotoStatistica can help you answer various questions about your photo habits.

For example, if you use zoom lenses and are thinking about buying a prime lens, the app could tell you what focal lengths you most often shot at over the past year.

Or if you’re wondering if you should invest in upgrading to a camera that performs better at high ISOs, you can see what sensitivities you usually shoot at.

After including photos from any nested set of directories (or a Capture One Pro library or Photos file), the app will rapidly scan in the EXIF data from the photos found. It then presents the user with powerful filters — all imported EXIF dimensions and a full set of logic operators.

22 dimensions can be visualized using various types of charts and breakdowns.

You can also dive into subsets and even individual images.

PhotoStatistica is now available on the Mac App Store with a price tag of $3.

from PetaPixel


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