Saturday, June 20, 2020

PetaPixel: This AI Turns Pixel Faces Into ‘Photos’

Face Depixelizer is an amazing new AI-powered app that can take an ultra-low-res pixelated photo of a face and turn it into a realistic portrait photo.

Created by Russian developer Denis Malimonov, the app utilizes the power of StyleGAN, which famously can generate realistic portraits of people who don’t exist.

After taking in a pixel face, Face Depixelizer continuously creates faces with StyleGAN and narrows in on the resulting “photo” by finding one that downscales to produce the exact same pixel face.

Here’s a short animation showing the process in action:

The input faces don’t even need to be real people — you can use the tool to see what video game characters might look like in real life. Here’s what Malimonov got when he put in Wolfenstein protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz:

And here’s what you get with Doom:

As with all AI systems of this sort, though, your mileage may vary:

It seems that one current issue with the AI — perhaps due to the faces StyleGAN was trained on — is that it turns black people into white people.

Here’s what we got a result after inputting a pixelized photo of Leonardo DiCaprio:

You can use Face Depixelizer yourself over at Google Colab. The input photo needs to be square, and you get started by pressing the button indicated by the red arrow and then scrolling down to where the browse file button appears.

A big thanks to Sam Cornwell of Solarcan for the tip!

from PetaPixel


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